College To Community
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.” (John 13, 34-35)
In the foot prints of St. Jerome Emiliani, who devoted his life to helping the poor, the suffering and the orphans, students of St. Jerome’s College are encouraged to participate in the works of Charity. Students celebrate Christmas with the inmates of various orphanages, homes for mentally challenged & differently abled and old age homes. Financial assistance and Christmas gifts were shared. St. Jerome’s College lent its helping hand to the victims of Okhi cyclone. With the funds raised from Students and Staff and the contribution from the Management, five houses were built. It was saddening to witness the death of Mr. George, one of our drivers. To help the family of the bereaved, Rs. 1,10,000 was deposited in the name of his children to support their higher education. Moreover, free education is ensured to his daughter at St. Jerome’s College. The charitable works continue endlessly to uplift the less privileged society.